Another problem is that your content hasn¡¯t related to the reader in a direct way. It may be sound advice and great content, but if the reader doesn¡¯t see himself or herself in the situation, no comments follow. Nod, good post, and on they go.
ÆĶó¿ÀÄ«Áö³ë21-10-28 18:26
Often, our posts that are the most informational get the least commentary. We¡¯ve said it all. No point to add more. The ones that generate the most commentary are the ones that include our emotion, thoughts, or personal experiences. Readers feel we¡¯re talking straight to them, not talking out at the blogosphere.
koreanfood21-10-28 18:27
You know what? It¡¯s interesting¡¦ most of the time, when I ask for feedback in the form of comments, I don¡¯t really get any¡¦ but when I don¡¯t do anything¡¦ I get a ton of comments. Take for instance this post¡¦ 7 Motivational Quotes to start your day, everyday!